Gruas Taep · (+34) 96 165 04 39
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Gantry cranes
Pórticos grúa

"Pure Power"

TAEP Gantry Cranes are a self supporting structure without the need of any extra architectural components on the plant floor to support the running and rolling rails .
Semi-gantry cranes are the perfect solution for existing installations.These units are designed to perform loading within the lifting area while the rolling rails are securely affixed to the structure itself ,without the need of any added supporting structures on the plant floor.
They have been designed for outdoor as well as indoor work .Indoors ,they provide work areas with independent service ,increasing productivity without altering the building structure. Outdoors ,it adapts to the business owner’s needs ,allowing larger load lifting capacities as well as height , lighting as well as cantilevers that guarantee a strong ,secure and safe work area benefit.


• Cranes widely used outdoors where there are no overhead limitations so they can be designed and constructed for unlimited lifting heights.
• Set indoors in industrial building, combined with overhead travelling cranes above, providing assistance to equipment and production lines as well as increasing productivity to their maximum potential.
• These cranes can be installed and utilized in buildings where the structure is not designed for crane support, where the structural reinforcement to accommodate an overhead travelling crane would be much more expensive, whereas concrete foundation making for gantry cranes design and installation is much more economical.
• They can be used inside the buildings and be relocated outdoors, which makes the storage area much larger.


• Speed control during the transfer movement of the crane ,increasing the life of the components and giving the loading movements smoothness and precision when in motion and loading..
• Movement of the load without oscillation thanks to transfer without staggering of the trolley.
• Anemometer ( wind gauge ) to detect strong wind with alarm in case of work outdoors.
• Safety bolt ( latch) to embed the gantry in case of work outdoors.
• Separate control panel moveable along the bridge girder.
• Rotary lights with sound alarm on each leg that signal gantry crane advance in a safe way.
• Option for person and obstacle detector by means of photoelectric cells.
• Optional wire holder chain ,which suppresses conventional flat hoses with small trolleys.
• Option for remote control.

Overhead traveling cranes
Gantry cranes
Jib c. | Light overhead c.
Special cranes
Opcional accessories
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